It is a modern school which is entirely grounded in traditional value systems – The traditional concepts of student-teacher relationship is very well adhered by both the teachers and students. The personal affinity of teachers towards the educational and spiritual development of the students; and the respect in return (whether by letter, words or spirit) endowed towards the teachers by the students; has always been the hallmark of the institution.

School life and Experiential Learning –Students of DEFENCE CAREERS ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL describe school life at DEFENCE CAREERS ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL as happy, purposeful and fulfilling and learning at school is enjoyable, creative, meaningful and relevant to daily life. To enrich student’s life at school, to widen their horizons and to realize the potential and talent to the full, the school runs a comprehensive and diverse co-curricular activities programme that embraces disciplines of sports, creativity, music, drama and other performing arts, crafts and technology. Numerous classes on current events, economics, current polity, world affairs, etc. are conducted within the school premises.

Learning outside the classroom – Every year the school runs a structured programme of activities to extend learning outside the classroom. Activities include outfield expeditions, leadership training classes, as well as study tours or visits and SUPW camps within the country. During their activity week held each year, students work in groups (as a team) to experience a real work environment, thus helping them to further their understanding of the world of work and to make better-informed decisions on subject choices and career direction. In addition to the aforesaid, personality development classes, presentation skills and body language Improvement techniques, etiquette and soft skill enhancement, forms the crux of the curriculum of the institution.

All round learning environment and facilities – To promote multi-media teaching and learning through information and communication technology (ICT), an extensive school-wide network has been installed to match the growing needs of the school, including wireless access and an intranet for collaborative learning and communication within the school community. Computer laboratories have been set up for students and teachers in the school. Other facilities for student’s learning include our spacious library for reference and research, auditorium for songs and musical performances + drama classes and performance + art and craft exhibitions, yoga studio, canteen.

Military style physical training and learning – The model of promulgating school education of the institution of DEFENCE CAREERS ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL can be said as the best “military styled training” of school education system, in the entire country. In order to inculcate strong fundamentals of responsibility towards the nation, patriotism, and discipline in the personality alongwith proper civic sense in the character of each student, the military style physical training has been included in the curriculum. Apart from the abovementioned motive, the main purpose of the director is also to cater the needs and requirements of armed forces, and to develop the students in accordance with it, so that they are able to successfully clear the NDA examinations after passing their senior secondary examinations. The infrastructure provided in the school premises for the aforesaid training curriculum includes –

a. Vertical rope

b. Monkey rope

c. Burma Bridge

d. Six feet wall

e. Nine feet ditch

f. Beam training

g. Chin-up exercise

h. Balancing exercise

i. Swimming

j. Horse riding

k. Special coaching classes to develop necessary skills to clear the NDA examinations

Secure environment for girl child’s education – The education of a girl child admitted in the school is taken very seriously. The girls are not only treated at-par with boys of the school, but also all the necessary checks and vigilance mechanism has been erected or installed at all the critical spots of the school premises, so that no unforeseen and uncalled happenings take place with them. The measures undertaken to mitigate the undesirable risks includes –


CCTV cameras of latest technology connected with the advanced computer systems, with the capacity to record and store the videos in the main memory of computers, have been installed at such critical and vital places. All the actions of the students, teaching staff and employees are carefully monitored by the principle and the director of the school.


Uninformed and thorough checking of various students, their uniforms and school bags are conducted in the watchfulness and strict observation of director himself, at periodical intervals to maintain the order, decorum and discipline in the school.


Systematic roundup of the premises and follow up of bus drivers, peons, employees as well as teachers are conducted in the presence of principle and the director himself.


Identity cards are issued to each student and to their respective parents specifying their respective introduction and other necessary details (such as name, class, parent’s name, address). The Identity Cards also mentions the AADHAR card number of the student, the transportation details of the students (such as, bus or tempo number, driver’s name, driver’s phone number, etc.).

In-short, adequate measures and precautionary steps are undertaken to ensure the discipline and the safety of not only of girl child but of boy child as well.


Admission now open for academic
year 2024-25

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Defence Careers Academy, Asida Road, Dhoti, Sheopur, Madya Pradesh-476337